I am an electronic engineering of Universidad del Valle, born and resident of Cali - Colombia (my languaje is spanish), in my free time I develop videogames for fun, personally I am an introverted humanoid that try to life healthily.
I make games, but play a little, because I invert time in creation more than in consumption, and I spend more time in develop / work than in fun / play (so I am exigent with the quality of the games); my favorite videogames are complex estrategic, like RTS (Age of Empires, Mythology, Warcraft III, etc), RimWorld, Don't Starve, Minecraft, sometimes simulations of vehicles (GTA) or city builders (Micro Town) or The Sims...
I feel boring about smartphone casual games, they are simple and stupid, focused in make money and lost time.
I dream with make a famous videogame with high complexcity, with strong NPCs AI, with simulation of things, online conectivity, etc, etc; in other words, to create a world, a Matrix.
Note: many projects here are simulations, tools, and multimedia things more than videogames itself.